Y sí, viviendo en Hamburgo, estos días estamos con cualquier otra cosa en la cabeza que no sean pinceles... Esta foto es de la puerta de nuestro piso y la imagen se la debo a el gran humorista gráfico Nik, papá de Gaturro y de toda esa maravillosa familia: http://www.gaturro.com/. Publica diariamente sus tiras en http://www.lanacion.com.ar
El cartelito debajo? Saludos de nuestros vecinos ante el primer triunfito de Argentina en el mundial.
This is a fun illo, indeed! It's from Nik, an artist from my country and "father" of Gaturro and his family. He publishes his work in a newspaper (www.lanacion.com.ar)and his own site http://www.gaturro.com/
This one was on the day of the game. It shows the excitement of the argentine people for everything concerning football/soccer :)
The yellow little paper under it? They are the congratulations our neighbours left after the first game. It'was here, in Hamburg, where I live.