Muchas felicidades a todos! Y un excelente 2007! Gracias por visitarme y por todo el cariño que me desmuestran. Un abrazo enorme!
Happy 2007! Thanks for visiting me and all the love you bring everytime. A big hug!
Happy 2007! Thanks for visiting me and all the love you bring everytime. A big hug!
I need a change, indeed. So I'm starting with the continent! I'm flying to the South, to Argentina, to visit my family and friends, and just lie in the sun. I leave you this drawing and see you soon!
This is one of my firsts experiments with Xara, a new program we have. It promises a lot of fun, so I 've got to try it!
When in Art School, we once did a composition exercise using black and white paper in a collage. Today's image is a digital adaptation of one of these works.
I've done this illustration some years ago.The idea was to create a poster for a hypothetical movie, whith argentine content.
I hope you like it. Nice weekend everybody!
This is a fun illo, indeed! It's from Nik, an artist from my country and "father" of Gaturro and his family. He publishes his work in a newspaper (www.lanacion.com.ar)and his own site http://www.gaturro.com/
This one was on the day of the game. It shows the excitement of the argentine people for everything concerning football/soccer :)
The yellow little paper under it? They are the congratulations our neighbours left after the first game. It'was here, in Hamburg, where I live.
En Hamburgo es tradición, el sábado anterior a la Pascua, hacer fogatas en la costa del Elba, donde se queman muñecos. Así se simboliza el fin del invierno y comienza la celebración de Pascua. Felicidades!
It's a tradition in Hamburg to ignite fires on the coast of the Elbe river on the night before Easter. The puppets burnt there represent the end of winter and thus begins the celebration of Easter. All the best!