Misión cumplida! Más de uno descansa :)
Excelente 2009 a todos!
Thanks everybody for being here, for the friendship and power that you've given me. Merry Christmas and a great 2009!
I knew about the existence of very peculiar celebrations: the day of the physician, the student, the secretary, the journalist and public employee. Also the designer, teacher, grandfather, nephew and children have their own days here in Argentina.
To this long list, I add a very special -and I guess quite a german one: "the bread and butter day". Surprised? I apologize for the delay, it's celebrated on the last Friday in September. Only remains to say: "enjoy your meal!"
Today we invite you to reduce the use of plastic bags in your daily routine.
Taking your own cloth bag to the store and replacing plastic bags with your own bags.
Telling your friends about this.
Every year the world consumes between 500.000.000.000 and plastic bags. That’s more than a million bags per minute!
More than 100.000 marine animals die every year due to plastic bags.
They are made from petroleum, a nonrenewable resource and they are non-biodegradable.
More info here
And here some ideas of using your old plastic bags
Video-song Don't use plastic bags anymore.
Enough! The last months have been quite stressing and I feel it is time to sit down, have a cup of tea, relax and make projects. Thanks to everybody for visiting my blog and leaving such kind words!
Although it is cold in Buenos Aires, I haven't forgotten the nice summer days we had!
Some time ago, the Cabanas and Godo had a contest and I was one of the happy winners. Yesterday I received my prize!
I want to share with you the great joy I felt. Pati paints and colours with great skill, her designs have something magic and an innocence that beams us back to childhood.
The net keeps presenting us with incredible friends which we would otherwise never have known. Thanks for so many godeous treats!
It's cloudy in BA and it's been a long time since I last posted. A good excuse to show you this red umbrella.
If you eat sweets, you won't like your meal, my parents said. So you know, no sweets. Just salad!
Totally ready to celebrate my birthday on Friday!