Gracias por los momentos compartidos y que el 2008 sea muy feliz para todos!
Thanks for the time we shared and good luck for 2008!
Thanks for the time we shared and good luck for 2008!
This year, my Santa has a new horizon, like ourselves.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and hope your dreams will come true!
Cooking is one of the little things I really enjoy doing. Specially if I do it my family or friends.
There's nothing better against the excess of stress of the week.
The summer is getting closer to South America. With it grows our desire of lying on the beach.
I haven't been publishing for many weeks. The reasons are manyfold. One of them is the fact that we left Hamburg. Our new hometown is Buenos Aires. Albeit we're not really settled here, this change feels good!
Although we are still living among suitcases, I've already been working a little. I invite you to visit the site I've done for I & R, a young and striving argentine event company.
We're enjoying a couple of days in the suburbs of Frankfurt before we travel on to Argentina. To share with you, here are some pictures taken in the vinyards above the Rhine.
Captain Frog is sailing south. He is leaving Hamburg, like us. Our destiny is Argentina, the land I was born.
See you soon and thanks for coming!
The Sweet Potato Queen (La Reina Batata) is one of my favourite songs by the argentinian author María Elena Walsh. I dedicate this to her.
This is another image I've done for an agency.
Godo has always had a dream: he wanted to know the polar region. Someone told him about Montreal, they said it was a beautiful city. So he decided he wanted to know it. Although it is still quite far away from the North Pole, it's definitely closer than his home place, Venezuela.
In a short time, his dream will come true. Godo is moving to Canada! That's why his Hamburg cousin is here. He wanted to wish the real Godo, Pati and José all the best for this new period.
It could have been orange. Maybe blue. Yellow. But I'm in the mood of green. So it is green!
Para todos aquellos que se interesan por la protección de las ballenas, quiero recomendarles este video que filmó Greenpeace Alemania. Muestra la lucha contra los cazadores japoneses en la Antártida - y el último viaje de un rorcual común por Alemania. Para verla hagan click en la imágen.
For all of you who are interested in the protection of whales, I'd like to recommend this video made by Greenpeace Germany. It shows the struggle against japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean - and the last journey of a fin whale through Germany. To view, click on the image.
I haven't worked with collages for a long time. This week's topic is the best excuse to go back to an old habit.
Fernando is a very special, charming person. He becomes quickly a very good friend you can trust. We've been organizing his new blog called Mundo rengo, mundo de esperanza - "Crippled world, world of hope" .
I wish you all the luck and millions of clicks!